KOYO bearings in Japan, Koyo Bearings has a domestic factory 8, 28 sales outlets abroad are 9 factories, 24 sales outlets.Japan is Koyo Seiko is a Koyo has a long history and culture in Japan, ranking third in the world of integrated products bearing manufacturer, the production of bearings are widely used in a variety of general machinery and other industries and fields around the world Users to enjoy high popularity and praise the quality of friendship.


To use the word "Dung" (Impartiality) to raise the Name is to shine the light on truth, to use the word "Luan" (Interpretation) to call the Name, is to understand the words. If the truth is not Named, it cannot enlighten, and so it is bound to "Dung" in order to be portrayed. Words, when unexplained, cannot be understood, so we must utilize "Luan" in order to to illustrate. When the truth has been portrayed, the words has been illustrated, then the practice and introspection can be left hanging. That is clear.